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NARMC Clinics Changing Procedures

North Arkansas Regional Medical Center (NARMC) clinics are taking necessary precautions to protect our patients and staff in response to the viral spread of COVID-19.

Our teams are working to limit exposure within the clinic setting. Alternate care delivery systems are available. Please contact your medical provider for more information related to your specific needs during this time. Currently, one visitor per patient is allowed in all NARMC clinics. All visitors will be screened upon entrance.

If you need a physician after-hours, please call provider’s office. Your call will be directed to our after-hours answering service and someone will be available to assist you.

NARMC clinics may be reducing hours due to the current state of emergency. You may contact your provider’s office and our staff will be available to assist you.

Your safety is our healthcare team’s first priority.

Thank you for your support and patience during this time.

Your Health. Your Safety.
Our Mission. 

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No information or content on this website is to be taken as implicit or explicit advice. Please contact a medical professional for guidance.

Photos on this website are provided by Vowell Publishing, Inc. and NARMC.

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