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Service Spotlight: Occupational Therapy

NARMC’s Outpatient Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Center offers therapy ranging from physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and more. We are spotlighting our occupational therapy in April for National Occupational Therapy Month.

According to Occupational Therapist, Amanda Williams, occupational therapists and physical therapists are similar.

“Both are rehabilitation professionals who strive to help their patients succeed, both evaluate and set treatment goals and both educate people about healing process. We believe that recovery is about helping our patients participate in life to the fullest,” Amanda said. “It is how we go about the recovery process that differentiates the two professions. Occupational therapy focuses on the improvement of daily activities, while physical therapy focuses on specific improvement of body movement.”

An occupational therapist treats the whole person and has a holistic approach. Whether they’re recovering from injuries or have developmental or cognitive disabilities affecting their motor skills, emotions or behavior, occupational therapists help people to fully engage in daily life.

The role of the Occupational Therapist (OT) is to help patients of all ages improve or maintain skills for day-to-day activities and well-being. OTs work with their patients to identify important and valued activities that are difficult to do because of their injury, illness or disability.

Occupational therapists treat injured, ill or disabled patients through the therapeutic use of everyday activities. They help people develop, recover and improve, as well as maintain the individual skills needed for daily living. The goal of an occupational therapist is to help individuals have independent, productive and satisfying lives.

“Our main goal is for patients to be able to fully participate in activities that are meaningful to them. These activities are very different and very individualized for each person, including regaining full range of motion and functional strength of their upper extremities, have fully functioning fine motor coordination, decrease pain caused by daily activities and being able to dress themselves along with other daily activities,” Amanda added.

NARMC also offers lymphedema treatment. When treating lymphedema, the goal is to have a decrease in the lymphedema and to be able to fit within appropriate compression garments to maintain the decrease in lymphedema to assist with decreasing pain, decreasing risk of developing skin breakdown or infection.

Occupational Therapy services available at NARMC:

  • Lymphedema

  • Upper Extremity Orthopedics

  • Upper Extremity Neurological Disorders

  • Generalized UE Weakness

  • Decreased Fine Motor Coordination/Control

  • Upper Extremity Pain

  • Adaptive Equipment Recommendations

  • Stroke Rehab

  • TBI Rehab

  • Evaluations for Manual and Power Wheelchairs

  • Seating and Mobility Recommendations

  • Decreased ADL/IADL Independence

  • Cervical Spine Pain

  • Pediatrics

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