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NARMC Nurse Earns AR SAVES Award

Wei Chung, RN, showed excellence in providing stroke care earlier this year with a door to medication administration time of 38 minutes from arrival. This case flowed very smoothly from the patient calling 911, ambulance being dispatched, EMS treatment, patient went directly to CT as a standard of care, labs were processed and then staff immediately contacted with our telemedicine consulting unit through the UAMS Institute for Digital Health and Innovation Stroke Program, formerly known as AR SAVES.

The teamwork was phenomenal and was led by the primary nurse Wei. The current standard time is a door to medication administration time of 60 minutes. Our goal at NARMC is to consistently cut that time down to 45 minutes while providing quality, safe patient care. Wei went above and beyond to far exceed this goal and ultimately saved the patient. Every second approximately 32,000 neurons die during a stroke, therefore every second counts!

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