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Stroke Awareness Month

May is National Stroke Awareness month.

Did you know that strokes are the leading cause of disability in adults? It is also the leading cause of serious, long-term disability. For every hour you suffer from a stroke, you lose 120 million neurons and age your brain 3.6 years.

There is an easy-to-remember acronym to use to recognize the symptoms of a stroke:


B- Balance- Is there a loss of balance?

E- Eyes- Are there any visual changes in one or both eyes?

F- Face- Any facial weakness, drooping or uneven smile?

A- Arms- Any arm numbness or weakness?

S- Speech- Any slurred speech, difficulty speaking or understanding?

T- Time- Time to call 911 and get to the nearest hospital immediately!

There is a medication that can reduce the effects of stroke if administered within 3 hours of the onset of symptoms. Every second matters when a stroke strikes, so get to a medical facility as quickly as possible.

To reduce your chance of a stroke, you need to maintain an active lifestyle, maintain a normal BMI, quit smoking and eat healthy. Keeping diabetes under control along with blood pressure, cholesterol and atrial fibrillation help prevent your chance of a stroke.

Visit our blog for more Stroke Awareness information throughout the month.

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Photos on this website are provided by Vowell Publishing, Inc. and NARMC.

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