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NARMC Board Responds To Upcoming Forum

NARMC’s mission is to provide quality healthcare to this community and we remain focused on that task. The NARMC Board of Directors appreciates what the staff and administration do to support that effort day and night, and we encourage the community to do the same.

Although we are aware of the public meeting scheduled for Tuesday evening, February 27, at the Durand Center, we were not formally invited by the organizers to participate. We strongly believe in the importance and benefit of constructive two-way communication; however, social media posts indicate this is not the intent of this meeting. Therefore, the NARMC Board of Directors and Administration will not be attending.

As with any healthcare organization, NARMC is legally bound by what can and cannot be said in a public forum, but we welcome the opportunity to have one-on-one dialogue with patients and individuals within the community at large. If members of the community would like to contact the hospital leadership directly in order to provide comment and suggestions, we encourage them to do so.

By way of this statement, we encourage the organizers of the public discussion on February 27 to send us, in writing, any information they collect during the meeting that they believe would be beneficial to the hospital board and administration, along with their suggestions on how to address these issues. This is not to imply we will be able to implement all suggestions, but we do want to hear constructive comments and possible solutions to consider.

NARMC has a formalized review process to collect concerns and complaints. The first step to that process is for healthcare providers, patients and/or family members to log a formal complaint. This responsibility is taken very seriously and every complaint is reviewed thoroughly. If anyone within the community would like to file a complaint they may do so by contacting the hospital via email, phone or US Mail.

In closing, we are committed to ensuring NARMC patients are served at the highest level of quality care. And, we are committed to the employees and administration who provide that exceptional care to those who live, work and visit our community. We are proud to be connected with the hospital by voluntarily serving on the Board of Directors, and we take that responsibility seriously. We acknowledge that, with all things, continued improvement is an ongoing process of quality organizations, and NARMC is no exception. We welcome the public’s written comments and look forward to constructive individual conversations.

Where to send comments/suggestions/concerns:

US Mail: Quality Services @ NARMC, 620 North Main, Harrison, Arkansas 72601


Quality Services Hot Line: 870.414.5020

Your Health. Your Safety.
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Photos on this website are provided by Vowell Publishing, Inc. and NARMC.

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