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Health and the Holidays: New Year goals

The New Year is usually a promising time of planning and anticipation. Many people welcome the New Year with resolve to improve or maintain their health. This can mean a number of lifestyle changes depending on one’s outlook and health condition. While resolutions may seem cliché, they can create great opportunities to focus on the changes we need to make to be a healthier person.

Below are a few goals to consider:

Do more hobbies that you enjoy

It’s important to not lose sight of activities that bring you joy and excitement. Hobbies can reduce stress and physical fatigue. Activities like walking, hiking and volunteering can fight off depression, as well as enhance your physical overall well-being. Taking time to visit with family and friends can relieve tension and anxiety.

Eat healthier, sleep more

Eating plenty of nutritious foods and getting enough sleeping every night may be two of the easiest steps to boost your physical and mental health. Healthy foods can aid in digestion and raise your energy levels. As an added bonus, learning healthier recipes and trying new dishes can be fun and exciting. Depriving yourself of sleep can lead to sickness or injury. Strive to eat better and get sufficient sleep.

Get your annual wellness check up

Make time to visit with your health care provider at least once a year. Share any concerns or questions you have with them about your overall health. Be an active participant in your health. Discuss your goals and expected outcomes with your provider and gain their insight on what they can do to help you achieve your goals. Ask about preventative screenings, flu shots and other age appropriate vaccinations.

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