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NARMC EMS and Physician Featured on KHOZ's Breakfast Club

KHOZ's Breakfast Club is hosted at North Arkansas Regional Medical Center (NARMC) twice a month. NARMC sponsors the broadcast and features NARMC's own throughout the morning show.

On August 23, Dr. Heather Bridges spoke about back to school health tips and how to keep your child healthy this school year. Dr. Bridges emphasized the importance of washing hands as a way to be proactive with your health.

Brian Unruh, NARMC EMS Director, spoke about how NARMC is one of four hospitals in the state of Arkansas to own our own EMS and ambulance fleet.

Be sure to listen to AM 900 or 94.9 FM from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. each Wedensday to learn about what is happening in your community.

Your Health. Your Safety.
Our Mission. 

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No information or content on this website is to be taken as implicit or explicit advice. Please contact a medical professional for guidance.

Photos on this website are provided by Vowell Publishing, Inc. and NARMC.

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