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NARMC Paramedics Attend “Gathering of the Eagles” conference in Dallas, Texas

Pictured left to right: NARMC Paramedics Jason Moshier and David Warmoth

NARMC EMS paramedics Jason Moshier and David Warmoth attended the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) “Gathering of the Eagles” conference in Dallas, Texas. The conference was a three day event with over 60 individual lectures given by Physician Medical Directors from across the country on topics related to pre-hospital (ambulance) medicine. Brian Unruh Director, of EMS, stated “approximately 1,000 people from across the United States and several other countries attended the conference which is intended to prepare paramedics and other professionals for the future of pre-hospital medicine. Conferences like this help us identify opportunities to improve our clinical & operational processes to improve patient outcomes. NARMC attendees were chosen based on their positions in the NARMC EMS service, David Warmoth, Education Coordinator, is responsible for education and training of NARMC paramedics and EMTs. Jason Moshier, Mobile Integrated Health Care/Community Paramedicine is responsible for a new program designed to pair paramedics and other clinical personnel with chronically ill patients for improved patient care. We will be providing more information to the community regarding this important new program in the next few months.”

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